Ave Maria, Ellens dritter Gesang, Op. 52 No.6
Ave Maria is a musical setting of text from Walter Scott’s poem The Lady of the Lake.
Despite the title, the text is completely independent of the prayer with the same name. The song, which Schubert set to music in 1824, has come to be called Ave Maria as the lyrics begin with those words. The old Latin prayer with the same name has been recently built with Schubert’s musical setting because it is proven to work rhythmically with the melody.
Sir Walter Scott (1771–1832)
was a Scottish writer who is considered the creator of the historical novel genre. He was immensely popular during his lifetime and one of the most widely read novelists in the early 1800s. His most famous work ”Ivanhoe” launched the word freelance originally referring to the word mercenary. Scott coined the phrase ”Never do nothing.”